Location Check

You want to move and wonder how good your quality of life will be in the new neighborhood? How quiet is it there? Is there a good range of leisure activities? Can you order a varied meal or go out? What about childcare and safety?
GeoSci offers an API to answer all these questions using geospatial data (clustered “points of interests” in the neighborhood) and user feedback (for softer factors like safety). This API is primarily - but not exclusively - targeted at business customers such as real estate exchanges or brokers.
In order to be able to clearly explain and show the data provided, GeoSci runs a public “demo application” called Location Check, which can be used for free by anyone. In return, interested users are invited to provide feedback on neighborhoods they already know. Presumably, you too first entered your current address to evaluate the data provided, right?
This motivation leads to two primary use cases for Location Check, which we designed together with its founder Florian Grünwald based on an existing prototype:
- API data should be presented in an appealing and clear way.
- Users should be encouraged to provide feedback without repeatedly nagging or engaging them.
- Mobile-first
- Multilingual (English and German)
First, we performed a usability analysis based on the prototype and collaboratively discussed a good workflow and basic structure of the web application. Afterwards we visualized this input in a company design and took care of the finer UI until we reached a state that everyone liked.
Technically, we were allowed to run wild on this project and relied on our tried and true combination of Svelte, SvelteKit, Skeleton UI and Tailwind. The website consists of some static pages, which we prerender server-side for SEO and performance optimization, and the main application, which queries client-side external services like the Google Places API and the GeoSci API.
The result is a lightweight, easy to maintain and very flexible web application that also works backend-less and can be hosted for free on any CDN.
Since Florian can also develop, we decided to use a dev-friendly workflow here, where pushes to the repository end up in dynamically created test environments and finally in a “production deployment” - it couldn’t be easier.
The timeframe for the project was four weeks from initial idea to release. We were able to keep this target on time without exceeding the budget.
Do you also have a smaller pet project in mind that you’ve always wanted to implement, but need professional help with questions like UX, design or development? Then get in touch with us. It doesn’t cost anything to ask and we don’t bite!